Sunday, May 6, 2007

Maryland Sheep and Wool

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Driving to Maryland.

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Over the (Potomac) River and through the woods. Well, it was through the woods and over the river.

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I dragged the crew along with me. Baby's first big outing, she hated it.

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Wait, is this the same as the Monty Python Cheese Sketch?

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So many sheep, so little time. I want one.

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I want a Border Collie even more, but then I'll have more excuses to get sheep.

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I could have watched this all day.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Hee hee...I saw you at MW&SF - you were just getting up from the red blanket as I was just sitting down to eat my fries with a friend!!!

Doubt you would remember, but I remember seeing your kids and your husband there - think you were wearing a black top and had your daughter in a sling thing!