Thursday, February 7, 2008

In fear of becoming an out of date and stale blog


This is a cross stitch piece Martin's mother made, she had several state patterns in her collection, this one might go back to Martin's sisters who lived in Washington for a time - I'm sure she made it for them. Eventually (ha!) I'd like to find the patterns for all the states Martin and I lived in growing up and together and have a collection to hang in the kitchen. So far, we'd need Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Washington, and Virginia.

Progress is coming slowly on the baby quilt, I haven't touched yarn or knitting needles in over a month. Everything is behind and I'm even getting laid up a bit with some strange symptoms, but tests and ultrasounds say that the baby is fine. Maybe I'll take some time to update my side bar while I'm on the mend, and not stay too far behind with this little blog.

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